Things you should know before a massage:


  • Try to avoid a large meal, at least a couple of hours before undergoing your treatment.
  • If it is your first treatment, a consultation will take place, which may take 15-30 minutes prior to treatment. This will include questions, postural assessment, joint movements etc. This helps the therapist determine which, what tissue, muscle(s) is/are involved, to determine injury or dysfunction. This then helps devise a strategy of treatment.
  • Talk to your therapist should you have any questions or concerns. We want to ensure you receive the best possible treatment/benefits, ensuring you are as comfortable as possible throughout.
  • Make sure you visit the toilet before your treatment, if possible. However sometimes it may be necessary to go to the toilet during treatment to release toxins from the muscle/connective tissue, as it can increase micturition (the need to pass urine).


When a deep tissue or sports massage is performed, the body reacts in many ways & can feel like its undertaken a workout.

When muscle fibres are tight they tend to restrict blood flow to muscles & connective tissue, which means it inhibits the efficient removal of waste. This can cause stiffness, pain and dysfunction to the tissue/fascia. The massage helps break down the build-up & encourages fresh blood flow to the area. As a reaction to this, the body releases endorphins, which not only relaxes us, but is also a natural pain killer.


Some people find it relaxing to talk through the treatment, but some don't. The choice is yours, but remember that if something is too uncomfortable or painful you need to discuss this with the therapist. This may just mean an adaption, different approach or that a different technique is required to receive the desired results.


  • Where possible have 10 minutes’ rest before driving or going back to work, as your body is in a state of relaxation even if it doesn't feel like it. You need to ensure your body comes back up to speed slowly and not with a jolt.
  • Ensure you drink plenty of fluid (preferably water) after the treatment to ensure all the toxins & waste are flushed out. Remember the more toxins present the sluggish you will feel.
  • You may experience some aching or pain after the massage, especially 1-2 days afterwards, but this is normal. If you have any aches or pains, (in deep tissue massage this can last up to 48 hours) stretch out the muscles, go for a light walk &/ or take a warm bath.
  • If you are concerned about an after effect of the treatment, please contact your therapist who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
  • Symptoms, such as: Fatigue, increased/decreased energy, frequent toilet visits, emotional changes etc. can occur, but these will be discussed prior treatment.
  • Try to avoid stimulants I.e. alcohol, coffee, tea, non-prescribed drugs for at least 12 hours after treatment.

Remember - Avoid strenuous activity after a massage, as the tissue will be vulnerable for the next 24 hours. Stretch to help prevent muscle aches/pains following treatment. Exercises & stretches will be given by the therapist following a full consultation & assessment.

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